Using the Gallery in the new GRS portal
By glencadia2Dog Boarding NYC
Photos and Video
In the new reservation system, each user will have an individual gallery to store pictures of their dog or dogs.
As you can see when you log in using the email address provided when you made your account in the old system, there are options on the left-hand side – adding new dogs, booking or modifying a tour, canceling or changing reservations, etc. In the main text you will see a block of text. Any additions to the thread of communication (photos added, messages set) will appear on this window – the dashboard.
In addition, you will notice the “gallery.” You see the choice between “All Dogs” and “My Dog(s).” When we here (staff) upload pictures of the dogs, they will appear immediately in the “All Dogs” list. You can go through the folders there organized by date and look for your dog – clicking the tab to tag the image as your when you see the dog. The photo will then go into your gallery.
If photos appear in your gallery (“My Dog(s)”) without you going through a slide show and clicking the images of your dog, then a staff person has tagged the photos for you. Someone may tag the wrong photo. Some good photos of your dog may not have gotten tagged and you will only see the photos if you go back to “All Dogs” and look for yourself.
However, if you don’t have a lot of time and we successfully manage to tag the galleries of photos, it will be easier for you to quickly check in on your dog. That is the goal. In the long run, several months from now, we should have an AI tagging photos. Until then, customers can help train the AI by tagging photos themselves. Once we’ve mastered still photo tagging, we can think about videos.
The great thing about the “My Dog(s)” gallery is that the gallery itself has an individual URL and each photo has an individual URL – so you can share the gallery with anyone you’d like without allowing anyone access to your account. Your profile, reservations, address, etc. will remain secure while the photos will be public – with secret URLs you can chose to share or not.
We will also continue to post photos on the blog and Instagram. However, logging into when your dog is at camp should be the best way to check in on your dog.
It’s a new technology and we hope things will work as smoothly as possible.