December 31, 2021

New Year’s Message

By glencadia2  
Dog Camp, Country Vacations for City Dogs
Dog Boarding NYC
Photos and Video

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year. We had a great year up here at Glencadia and here are some highlights: Our First Letter from Camp, Koda the Stick Stealer, or the Hole Digger, or a couple of doodles, Cooper Letter from Camp, or Puck, we did the Capture the Flag Contest. Puppies, expansions and improvement, all kinds of good stuff. Remember summer? Believe it or not, this is my job. Sometimes we bust out the drone. Fun and games all the time.

Anyone want to bet on when Pepper Day will be in 2022? We could do a pool or something.

Right now the scale is causing trouble. The weights those of you who have dogs here will get today are likely to be wrong. There is a 7 pound difference between one part of the scale – one corner – and another – the farther corner. As the dog moves around on the scale, the weight can fluctuate wildly. We’re sending the videos of the scale anyway as the scale procedure means that everyone gets a short snippet of video of their dog and two people handle the dog and have a chance to observe everything, check the collar, etc. We do those things anyway, but by having a video of each, we can be sure it was done right.

Next year on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 2:22 PM it will be Tuesday 2-22-22/2:22. We should plan some kind of event for The Big Twofer Tuesday.

We used to do monthly galleries but it was too hard to find an individual dog picture. Now we do daily galleries. Here is the one from today. Photos are still uploading as of noon, so I would check after 4PM to see your dog.

Here is a book I wrote about moving from Brooklyn up here to Columbia County. Some background on why there is a the dog camp, if anyone is interested. I had my then young kids in mind when I wrote it, so it should be sort of a kids book.

We’ve been working on our system for delivering dogs – and we’re pretty good at the ETA thing. We’re tracking weights, when the scale cooperates, working to get more pictures to people efficiently, and are still reasonably priced unlike the competition (by the way). For 2022, we’ll have a new website, maybe some other surprises. I’ve got ideas but am not sure which ones to really do. Business plans, like a CSA, Small Radius, since we have the delivery software in production and own the vans already. Or maybe a bike path adventure. Or maybe not. There are other things to do like art or writing or even music – like this. Maybe Glencadia should have a place closer to the city to offer daycare, grooming and even vet care with pick up and drop off so people don’t have to take time off work to handle these issues. That’s another possible adventure.

So watch out for the scale videos (remember we have technical trouble), check galleries later in the day, and we’ll see you all in 2022.